As most of the women in attendance, this was our girls night out....It began at Star Monograms for some last minute touches before heading down to the Paca House. Note the fabulous bags (sorry, I can't help myself)
The gardens and the history of the Paca House are truly inspiring for those interested in preservation...a must see if you are visiting Annapolis. Did you know that the property in which the restored Paca House sits, spent many years as a hotel/boarding house and even some time as a gas station?!?! Thanks to the heroic efforts of the Foundation, Annapolis residents and visitors are able to enjoy the grounds as they would have appeared in the 1760's. Well done, William Paca! See friends, there is a use for my Art History degree!!
First up, eating. Well, at least for me, I was starving and was thrilled to find Sofi's Crepes was the first table offering up yummy snacks.

Mike and I have been fans of Sofi's Crepes ever since I was preggos and developed an intense need for comfort food. The place is awesome and little did I know, they have multiple locations! Baltimore friends, LOOK THEM UP!!
It was so nice to go out for a good cause and have the opportunity to catch up with old friends and meet so many new ones.

Thank you Annapolis Historic Foundation for such a great event. We are already looking forward to the Pacatini's next year!
I am loving the colorful outfits...looks like a great event! xx