Friday Night- March 11th! Don't miss out! Join your friends for the
Save the Coconuts Fun Ball at the Loews from 7- 11 pm. The 'Coco Blanco' theme encourages attendees to wear all white to the event. You are probably thinking to yourself, it is early March, freezing cold and the last thing I want to wear is white!!! White jeans?? White tunics?? Where can I find anything white this time of year?? Well
Star Monograms just got a large spring shipment in and white jeans are in stock!
In addition to fabulous White Pants, Star also has these cuties to choose from....

This is one of my favorites!!


Perfect with white jeans and some fabulous jewelry, which all can be found at
Star Monograms!!Being a local business owner myself, I am all about supporting others who support me. Tucker Thompson of is the MC for the event and also a great friend and loyal customer. If only we could get a babysitter for our 3 cherubs, we would be there!! ~KSS